School News It’s good to be back! Our academic year started on August 30th 2020. In order to keep our students safe, the first 2 weeks included a... U10 Football ISC-Ajman’s Under-10 boys football team kicked the year off by taking part in an Inter-Choueifat competition... Sports Day Over 4 zones, students competed for their team, for the coveted title of 2018 Sports Day winners. There was... Gymnastic Competition If you don’t know your Arabesque from your Yurchenko loop, we may be able to help you. Some of our agile... UAE Flag Day The UAE Flag represents the ideals of courage, strength of mind, peace, and hope, and it is these ideals we... SLO Outreach challenged them to find their way around the school and meet key members of staff, all with the support of their... Grade 1 Trip Grade 1 headed down to the rain forest on Saturday, 14th of October (otherwise known as Green Planet Dubai 😀), to... Good Leader To be a good leader requires team work and communication skills, so ISC-Ajman’s Student Life Organisation®... Extracurricular Activities On Saturdays, we run extracurricular activities at ISC-Ajman. Students eagerly arrive at school to embark on their... Academic Success Academic success is not just about the individual, but about the class, and the school as a whole. This is the key... < 1 2 3 4 5 6 >