It’s good to be back!
Our academic year started on August 30th 2020. In order to keep our students safe, the first 2 weeks included a 50% capacity of rotating groups of students in KG. As for students in grades 1-8, learning was from home and students in grades 9-11 attended lessons in school.
For their first day of school, students and parents were excited to pose for pictures around the amazing props and decorations put together by our Student Life Organization. Our entrance area was decorated with colorful balloons and a fun theme to welcome the students back to school. This provided a motivating, positive environment and encouraged students to return to school with a smile, giving them the determination to ensure success for the term ahead.
Our students arrived to school with tremendous feelings of happiness and excitement for their first day. It’s the first time they have been in school since March, due to the pandemic. It was great to be back!