Shadow Teachers Day
On Friday, 18th of February, ISC-Ajman witnessed its first Shadow Teacher Day in high spirits.
Shadow Teachers are our very own students from grade 4 onwards that are judiciously nominated by their respective teachers to carry a prodigious charge, stepping in to teach their peers at any moment’s notice. An emphasized aspect of the SABIS® system itself serves to build the confidence of the student shadow teachers and impart indispensable leadership skills to said apprentices which no doubt come to use in later years of their lives.
During Shadow Teacher Day, different students substitute their teachers for various courses throughout the entirety of the day. Simultaneously receiving a boost in self-esteem and gaining a unique perspective of education.
As the Student Life Organization (SLO) endeavors to further enable and empower its prefects to become better shadow teachers, students are able to prove their teaching abilities to themselves and others, concurrently refining or honing their own presentation, communication, and organizational skills. Shadow teachers are trained to channel their inner professors. This more than effective system implemented globally furnishes students with essential expertise that shapes them, assists them in becoming better role models, and raises academic standards.